Krian Healthcare

Acne Vulgaris

Acne or pimples are a common problem of young individual characterised by various types of lesions like small papules, comedones, pustules and rarely nodules. If not taken care of properly these can result in bad scarring which can be very difficult to treat. Acne is a variable disorder with some people getting very severe form and few don’t even get any acne. The factors that determine this variable nature of the disorder is not known. But it has been observed that a reputed dermatology  in JP Nagar, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of acne for all skin types. With years of experience in treating acne, he has developed personalized treatment plans for individual skin needs. His clinic is also well-equipped to provide the latest state-of-the-art advanced treatments, guaranteeing each patient’s success in the quest for effective solutions to their acne problems. children of parents suffering from severe form of acne also get sever forms.

What causes acne?

Acne is not a disease it is a condition caused by obstruction of duct of the sebaceous glands (oil glands) present in the skin. The important cause for this is the increased secretion of sebum from these glands under hormonal surge seen during the teens, there is also abnormality in the lining of these ducts leading to obstruction, the obstructed gland with its pent up secretion is colonized by bacteria (Propionobacterium) leading to inflammation. Also sometimes the entire gland ruptures leading to more severe forms.

What is the role of food in acne?

There has always been a belief that oily foods, spicy foods, chocolates cause acne. But, the role of food in causation of acne is controversial. Till now it was believed that food has no role in acne but recently few studies have been published suggesting role of food in acne. So, the best thing to do would be that if you think there is something that worsens your acne then stop eating it.

What exacerbates acne?

Stress either mental or physical has a definite role in exacerbation of acne. Even worrying about acne it self can worsen your acne. Also in a female around the time of menstrual period there is likely to be sight worsening of acne. Applying oily moisturizers, oil-based make up’s, over the counter creams containing corticosteroids can definitely worsen your acne. Sometimes a prolonged exposure to sunlight can also worsen your acne.

What are the types of acne?

Acne is a polymorphic disorder with the patients presenting with variable manifestations ranging from open comedones (black heads) to large puss filled nodules. The treatment of acne basically depends on the type of lesions the person is having.


Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that primarily affects the face, chest, back, and shoulders. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil (sebum), dead skin cells, and sometimes bacteria, leading to inflammation..

Acne is not a disease, but a skin condition caused by the obstruction of the ducts of sebaceous (oil) glands. The primary cause is increased secretion of sebum, often triggered by hormonal surges during puberty. Additionally, abnormalities in the lining of these ducts can lead to blockages. When these glands become obstructed and accumulate sebum, they can be colonized by bacteria, particularly Propionibacterium acnes, resulting in inflammation. In some cases, the entire gland may rupture, causing more severe forms of acne.

For a long time, it was believed that foods like oily, spicy foods, milk products, chocolates caused acne. However, the role of food in acne development remains controversial. Until recently, the general consensus was that food does not significantly affect acne. But recent studies have suggested a potential link between diet and acne. If you suspect that certain foods worsen your acne, it may be helpful to eliminate them from your diet to see if your skin improves.

Stress, whether mental or physical, plays a significant role in exacerbating acne. Worrying about acne itself can also make it worse. In women, acne can flare up around their menstrual period due to hormonal changes. Other factors that can aggravate acne include the use of oily moisturizers, oil-based makeup, and over-the-counter creams containing corticosteroids. Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can sometimes exacerbate acne.

Acne is a polymorphic disorder, meaning it can present in various forms. These can range from open comedones (blackheads) to large, pus-filled nodules. Treatment for acne largely depends on the type and severity of the lesions a person is experiencing.

If acne is not properly cared for, it can result in bad scarring, which can be difficult to treat later.

No, acne is a variable disorder. Some individuals experience very severe forms of acne, while others may not have any acne at all.

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