Krian Healthcare


An acquired condition characterised by white pathes on different parts of body. It’s a social problem with lot of stigma attached to it. It can be treated effectively with various measures, but the treatment is prolonged. The stigma associated with this cutaneous condition is due to the importance given to the normal skin colour and the misconception that it may be spread due to contact. Since ancient times, this disorder has been called with different names and has been associated with significant social stigma. Vitiligo is characterized by destruction of the pigment producing cell i.e. melanocytes. This damage to melanocytes leads to lack of pigment in the patch appearing as localized depigmented patch. The texture of the skin is otherwise normal, in some of the cases the depigmented patch may show white hairs, the presence of white hair represents a more resistant disease.Vitiligo, an ailment that tampers with the skin and causes white patches to form on it, requires specialist treatment along with tailor-made treatment plans. Our team of dermatologists uses advanced methods in diagnosis for assessing your condition and making therapy recommendations using entirely individualized modalities, such as topical medications, phototherapy, and advanced treatments like excimer laser therapy, and skin grafting, among others. 


Vitiligo is an acquired skin condition characterized by white patches on different parts of the body.

The texture of the skin remains normal in the affected areas, even though the color is lost.

Vitiligo is caused by the destruction of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes, leading to a lack of pigment in the affected areas, resulting in localized depigmented patches.

Vitiligo is a social problem with a lot of stigma attached to it, largely due to the importance given to normal skin color and the misconception that it may spread through contact.

Yes, Vitiligo can be treated effectively with various measures, though sometimes the treatment is usually prolonged.

The presence of white hair in the depigmented patch may indicate a more resistant form of the disease.

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